Helena Andersson is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Medicine at Umeå University, where she teaches physiology and exercise theory. She has a strong background in football and is a member of the Swedish Football Association's medical committee, having also undertaken various assignments for UEFA and FIFA. Helena has extensive experience working as a physical trainer and physical manager for elite women’s football teams, including the women's national teams of China, the USA, and Sweden. She has participated as a leader in three Olympic tournaments, two European Championships, and one World Cup.
Helena is currently involved in two research projects. One focuses on training and match load for young female footballers, using GPS data to monitor training. The other project examines walking football for seniors, mapping the physiological load during walking football training. Future studies will explore walking football's physiological effects, including an intervention study for seniors involving several weeks of training.
Helena’s research interests include applied training, periodization, training load, recovery, and field tests. She specializes in women’s football studies, particularly mapping physical match load, recovery processes, oxidative stress, and the immune system following football matches.
She is currently a group member in two significant research projects: "Physical Workload and Injury Incidence in Elite Youth Soccer Players," a collaboration between Svenska Fotbollförbundet, Göteborgs Universitet, and Umeå Universitet, and "Walking Football for Health," a project in collaboration with the Swedish Football Association, the University of Gothenburg, and the Swedish School of Gymnastics and Sport.
Helena's academic qualifications include a PhD in Medical Science with a specialization in Physiology/Medicine (2004-2010), a Master of Applied Science by research (1999-2001), and a Bachelor of Science in Sport Science (1997-1999). Before joining Umeå University in 2022, she was a Senior Lecturer at the School of Physical Education and Sport in Stockholm (2018-2022).
Her expertise lies in applied training, periodization, training load management, recovery, and field testing, with a particular focus on women’s football and walking football for health.